Follow along as Jeremy Kimm chases a Victoria, BC, birding record!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Finally, some birding!

A week ago, I invested in a new pair of Nikon Monarch 10X42s. Love them, but haven't had time since then to try them out!

Last night was the Rocky Point Bird Observatory Annual General Meeting. Generally, I dislike "bored" meetings, but they are a necessary evil. This one was different. Seeing the passion and dedication around the table last night was refreshing for me, and I look forward to the year ahead with this great group of folks! I will no doubt mention Rocky Point more than once in the months ahead (as it is one of my favourite places in the Victoria area), but for now, check out their website at to find out more, support them with a donation, volunteer, or buy some snazzy RPBO merchandise!

This morning I took the day off to spend with my wife, and somehow managed to convince her to let me field test my new binos. Mount Doug Park was the locale, as my Big Year is still missing Hutton's Vireo and Purple Finch. Although I found a large flock of Pine Siskins, a real rarity this year, as well as three species of sparrow (Song, Fox, Golden-crowned) singing for all the world to hear, there were no Purple Finches in evidence. Returning to the parking area there was a Hutton's Vireo loudly and energetically singing from one of the tall firs. It didn't help that the bird was a fair distance up the tree, and it didn't help that it stopped singing and calling as soon as I had a fix on the tree, so I had to accept a really difficult miss on it, again.

Tonight/tomorrow morning it is off to find the last two owls (Western Screech and Short-eared), stay tuned!

Good birding,


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