From where we stood between the trees, we heard (or rather, didn't hear) the owl stop calling, only a few trees away. Jared and I held our breaths, and the owl started calling again, this time even closer. A quick look revealed the owl, a male, sitting on a branch ten feet directly above us!

Our Western Screech-Owl, the coastal kennicotti subspecies, has experienced a devastating decline in recent years through a combination of habitat loss/modification and increased pressure from Barred Owl predation. Many areas which previously held Screech-Owl pairs, such as UVic, are now Barred Owl territories, and void of the delightful calls of what many books call "the common city park owl".
Sadly, without awareness and action, we face a future without Western Screech-Owls throughout most of Vancouver Island. The choice riparian habitats are being developed and Barred Owls, quick to adapt to humans, are (or have?) taking/taken over.
It was a great treat to be able to see this little gem, the first I have seen in ten years, and to have the opportunity to listen to many vocalizations from it, as well as a possible nearby female. Huge thanks to Jared Hobbs for the opportunity, and for the use of the above picture! You can see more of Jared's great images at
16 days left, and barring picking up a new species every second day, I am looking forward to another intense year of Big Year birding, this time without taking holidays during spring and fall migration. With any luck, the Victoria Christmas Bird Count taking place this Saturday will turn up some birds comparable to the good'uns that were found last year!
Good birding,
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