I will be out there doing censuses, while hoping to catch up with some of the goodies that tend to turn up which, in past years, have ranged from Rose-breasted Grosbeak to Alder Flycatcher to Pomarine Jaeger, Crested Auklet, and Tufted Puffin offshore. Broad-winged Hawks and Swamp Sparrows are annual fixtures, as are many others!
On the topic of Rocky Point, Alison Moran has put together two beautiful cards that will be sold as a fundraiser for the Hummingbird Project of BC. Mike Yip (www.vancouverislandbirds.com) has generously provided the stunning images of a male and female Rufous Hummingbird which appear on the front of the cards, while species information can be found on the back (actual cards shown below).
These 4X6 cards are sold in packages of 10 (5 of each card with envelopes) for $10 per package, plus shipping if applicable. Please email hummingbird@rpbo.org to order yours!
Don't forget to check out Rocky Point's website at www.rpbo.org to keep on top of news, happenings, and to find out how you can support the banding station or any of it's projects.
Now off to find some shorebirds........
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