Follow along as Jeremy Kimm chases a Victoria, BC, birding record!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bluebirds are Jerks, and other Short Stories

I am beginning to think that there is some sort of Avian Conspiracy afoot, and the current scoreboard is beginning to look a little like a Canucks game - Mountain Bluebirds: 5, Intrepid Big Year Birder: 0.

Once again this afternoon, my phone rang with news of a bird. This time it was Mike McGrenere, who had a female Mountain Bluebird in his scope along Welch Rd near Dooley. I was about 15 minutes away at the time, and immediately headed there. Thanks to Sunday drivers and Victoria traffic lights, it took me 20 minutes to make it there, where Mike told me that the bird had flown south about 5 minutes earlier. Maybe I just need special issue flashing lights on my car, warning others on the road that I am doing a Big Year, and that they need to move!

Mike and I searched the surrounding fields without any luck, and I continued south on Welch Rd, checking every field and fence as far as Blenkinsop. No dice.

Apprez dinner, I read a post that mentioned a Mountain Bluebird had also been seen at Whiffin Spit in Sooke. I guess I know where I am going tomorrow, provided the roving canines of Sooke haven't put it off, as they undoubtedly did with the 5 Whimbrel that were also seen there today.

On the bright side, after adding Cassin's Vireo yesterday at Francis King Regional Park, and Caspian Tern (Esquimalt Lagoon) and Western Sandpiper (Albert Head Lagoon and Tower Point) today, I need only 97 more species! Big thanks to all who have helped me out so far with the location and retention of good birds!

Mountain Bluebird, watch out! I'm coming for you!

Good birding,

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