After Saturday's owling adventure, I took Sunday to round up some loose ends. For those who have been following from the beginning, this is a familiar story....
The targets of the day were Violet-green Swallow, Purple Finch, Hutton's Vireo, and Virginia Rail, plus whatever else happened to be around. My wife and I started off at Swan Lake, and quickly found Violet-green Swallow and Purple Finch (the latter thanks to Ian Cruickshank's finely tuned ear), but Virginia Rail was a no show. A bright male American Goldfinch also made an appearance by the boardwalk.
We headed to Observatory Hill on a bit of a high, hoping that today would be the day for Hutton's Vireo. Despite a thorough search we didn't so much as hear one call, and decided to cut back to Viaduct Flats. Halfway to Viaduct, and an email came through from BCVIBIRDS, of Horned Larks at Martindale Flats, so we changed course and headed up the Pat Bay Highway.
After walking Islandview Rd, Puckle Rd, McHugh Rd, and Lochside Dr, the Horned Larks were not to be found. Not a big loss, they will be back.
Our last stop on the way home was Royal Roads University, again looking for Hutton's Vireo. A little pishing and a lot of walking turned up scads of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Song and Fox Sparrows, and Dark-eyed Juncos, but no Hutton's Vireo. Let's hope I don't still need this bird in December!
All in all, not a bad day. Two species added, bringing the total to 143. Only 9.33 months and 109 species to go!
Time to start checking through the gull flocks, as Little Gulls have been reported south of the border on both coasts!
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